Hello! My prayers are with you as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus transfigured in glory when the cross becomes heavy to carry. Remember the words of St. Paul from 2nd Corinthians chapter 4: "This light, momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not only to the things that are visible but to the things that are invisible."
Beginning today, Governor Whitmer has restricted indoor gatherings across the state to 10 people or less. Like her previous Executive Orders, this most recent Order specificly exempts places of religious worship. So, we are still able to be open for in-person Masses at our parishes. We continue to clean and sanitize the church multiple times every week.
If you want a fresh-air option, the 11:00am Mass at St. Joseph parish will continue to be outside for the foreseeable future. I’ll offer Mass under the canopy of the hall entryway. You can stay in your car in the north parking lot and listen on your radio (tune into 96.1 FM), or bring a lawn chair and sit outside your car, or sit inside the hall. You won’t need to wear a mask in your car or outside. I hope those who’ve not returned to Mass yet will feel comfortable coming this way. Please spread the word! Here are some pictures from this past Sunday's Mass outside. I hope it won't be raining this Sunday!
Bishop John also sent a letter this week strengthening his “strong recommendation” to wear a mask inside the church to mandatory for all who do not have a medical intolerance to it. Children age 5 and under do not need to wear a mask. Bishop John writes in his letter: “While some may find wearing a mask to be an intrusion on their freedom, authentic freedom does not mean we simply do as we please. Rather, authentic freedom means choosing to love. Wearing masks out of concern for each other is an expression of the freedom God has given to us. I know wearing a mask can be uncomfortable, but it is a sacrifice we can make out of love for each other.” Thank you for your continued cooperation in wearing a mask while inside the church!
Here's a good article about prayer in time of crisis: "Contemplative Prayer in Crisis"
TV personality Regis Philbin died this past week. He was a Catholic, and here's a good tribute to him: "The Catholic Roots of Regis Philbin"
An encouraging article for families during this pandemic: "Lockdown, an Opportunity for Families"
Finally, "J.R.R. Tolkien Gives Men the Secret to Marriage" is a great article about the challenges and secrets of true love.
I hope to see you soon! Sunday at 5:00pm is the 'farewell' BBQ for seminarians Mark, Drew, and Brandon outside on the south lawn at St. Joseph parish.
In Christ's peace,
Father Ryan