This week is dedicated to Jesus' Divine Mercy. The devotion to Divine Mercy involves becoming merciful ourselves through the works of mercy. The first trip to bring needed aid to Ukraine was a huge success and a concrete expression of mercy to the suffering. Check out pictures here!
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 2nd, which Pope Francis has dedicated as a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Ukraine. Let us join together this Lent to reform our lives through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, that the Holy Spirit may rule over us more!
The Eucharist contains an inexhaustible richness, and we call it by different names that express some aspect of the mystery of the union of Christ with us.
The Eucharist is the wellspring from which divine life flows into us, and the high-point of our week - the goal of all our prayers, labors, and sacrifices.
Jesus tells us to fix our hope on his Eucharistic presence in times of spiritual crisis. Today's memorial of the Vietnamese martyrs inspires us to do just that!
While we absolutely must be aware of how politics affects us and recognize the part politics plays in our life, I urge all of you to remember our first loyalty is to Christ the King.
Click here for some great reflections on this past Sunday's Gospel, and learn about how to sign up for this Friday's Couple's Night at St. Joseph parish.
The new Executive Order has an explicit exemption for places of worship, so we're still able to gather in-person for Masses. If you want a fresh-air option, join us for Mass outside 11:00am at St. Joseph parish.