Today is Mardi Gras, French for 'Fat Tuesday,' the day before our Lenten fast begins. It's a day to rejoice and prepare to make a good Lent for the glory of God and our sanctification. If you can make it, come out for our Mardi Gras party for both parishes tonight from 5:30pm-8:30pm at St. Joseph parish hall. Bob Towers, owner of Taiga Games in Marquette, will be there with board games for all ages and can teach you how to play a new game.
Of course, our rejoicing is muted by the terrible events in Ukraine. Pope Francis has designated tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, as a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Ukraine. Fasting means not eating from dinner tonight until dinner tomorrow, except for a light snack or two if needed. It is also a day of abstinence from meat, as is Good Friday and every Friday. Let us join our sacrifices to Jesus' prayer for peace.
Ash Wednesday Masses will be tomorrow: 8:00am and Noon at St. John's, and 6:30pm at St. Joe's. These Masses will include the distribution of ashes on the forehead, which is full of Biblical symbolism. Come "get your ashes"!
If you're looking for a daily Lenten reflection, I suggest subscribing to Bishop Barron's daily reflections or Matthew Kelly's Best Lent Ever. I also recommend getting into the habit of reading the Lives of the Saints during Lent. Franciscan Media's website is great for this and you can sign up for a Saint of the Day email, too.
Many of you are probably wondering how to help people in Ukraine. Catholic News Agency has compiled a list of where to give if you have the means to do so. There was also a good article published today about the U.S. Bishops aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe led by Bishop Jeffrey Monforton of Steubenville, OH. He is from Detroit and was Rector of Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit while I was a seminarian there. You can give to support the Church in Central and Eastern Europe through this website.
Finally, here are some opportunities for fraternity and spiritual growth during Lent. All are welcome!
My prayers are with you as we begin this Lenten campaign of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving!
Father Ryan