Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul pursue spiritual growth through the works of mercy. One of the works of mercy is to provide food for the hungry and shelter for the homeless. During this time, the SVdP food pantry and Friends in Need office have remained open to serve community members in Ishpeming.
"The food pantry is open Mondays from 1pm to 3pm, and Wednesdays from 10am to Noon," said pantry director and St. Joseph parishioner Tom Connors. "We usually have people waiting outside at the time we open."
Individuals can receive baskets of food, which include canned and boxed goods and frozen meats, once a month. The current procedure is to drive up and knock on the back door of the pantry, and a volunteer will come to the door.
"Recently we received a donation from the Bell Hospital Auxiliary for $1,500 to purchase needed items," Tom said, "and local parishioners have been donating. The grocery stores are having a bit of a hard time filling the orders I gave them because they aren't getting their inventory delivered on time. But we're pretty well stocked right now."
The Friends in Need office helps people with rent or utility payments. It remains open on Thursdays from 10am to Noon. Lisa Niemi, parishioner at St. Joseph Parish, has been meeting outside with those who come. "It's been slower than usual, but right now utilities can't be turned off and people aren't supposed to be evicted, though it still happens. As soon as this changes, I'm sure we'll see a big wave of people in need."
The food pantry and financial aid office are located at the back of the St. Vincent de Paul building, 322 Cleveland Avenue in Ishpeming. Non-perishable food donations can be dropped off during pantry hours. To make a monetary donation, visit