To Serve means to offer our resources, time, money, gifts, influence, and expertise for the care, protection, and nurture of others. Acts of service enflesh the commandment, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Explore service opportunities below, and let us know your interest!
Founded in 1833 by Blessed Frederick Ozanam, the St. Vincent de Paul Society operates a food pantry, financial aid office, and thrift store at 322 Cleveland Avenue.
Monetary donations can be made by mail:
P.O. Box 2, Ishpeming, MI 49849
Food pantry hours:
Monday, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday, 10:00am - 12:00 noon
Financial Aid office:
Thursday, 10:00am - 12:00 noon
Phone number: (906) 486-6340
Care Clinic provides pregnancy help and educational resources for moms and dads with children of all ages. There are parenting classes, one-on-one mentoring, and a resource closet with diapers, wipes, clothes, and other items.
The Care Clinic is open for drop-ins Monday through Thursday from Noon - 3pm.
Appointments can also be made by calling 906-228-2273.
If you want to volunteer as a receptionist or as a male or female mentor, contact Wendy Pelto at [email protected] or 906-228-2273.
From the moment of our founding in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, charity has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. We are an international brotherhood of Catholic men dedicated to faith, family, community, patriotism, and charitable action.
For more info, contact the local Grand Knight Terry Austin at 906-204-6954.
At both Parishes, the Ladies of the Parish groups provide valuable hospitality service and charitable work to those in need in our community, including funeral luncheons, after-Mass socials, clothing drives, and local food distribution.
Members of our handyman ministry are willing to help fix things at houses. They have also helped people move.
If you are in need of the assistance of our handyman ministry, contact the Parish office.
There are many people who are homebound or in nursing homes in Ishpeming. Take some time to visit one or two of them! We can connect you with someone to visit.
There is Mass every First Friday of the month at the nursing homes. All are welcome to come pray and visit with the residents:
Eastwood Nursing home - 11:00pm
MCMCF (Valente) - 2:00pm
Mission Point - 3:30pm
Singing, proclaiming the Scripture readings, Altar Serving, greeting/ushering, and assisting in distribution of Holy Communion are all valuable services during Divine Worship at Mass. Use your gifts to help provide fitting service to God each weekend!
The Grief Support Group meets at St. Joseph Parish in the Fr. Ouellette Room on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. It's a wonderful place to gather when one has experienced loss of any kind. All those who attend have experienced grief and sadness and help one another deal with the "new normal". Our prayers for each other bring hope & healing. No registration required, come as you are.
Following up with family members after funerals is a work of mercy that is easy to do, but makes a big difference in the lives of those who've lost a loved one. It's as simple as making a phone call to listen and care one month, three months, and six months after the funeral.
Our Sunday evening and Monday evening student classes take a team of people to be successful. Consider serving as a class teacher (catechist), class aid, or helping with hospitality or set-up/clean-up. Help pass on the Catholic faith to our students!
Without prayer, we can do nothing, and our efforts will never bear the good fruit we seek, which is spiritual growth. There are many opportunities for prayer ministry. Eucharistic adoration occurs every Monday-Thursday at various times. Prayer intentions are published in the bulletin each week. And once a month following the Wednesday evening Mass at St. Joseph Parish, prayer teams pray with people who come for physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational healing.
If you love to knit, crochet, and pray, join the ladies of the Prayer Shawl ministry who make blankets, hats, and mittens in thier home and gather regularly to pray over these items before they are given to the sick, to newborns, to the Care Clinic, and to all those who need to know they are being covered in prayer during their time of need!